Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saas bahu bitching versus good old doordarshan.

Where has the quality of tv drama in india gone? we have digital tv today and very soon HD tv will overwhelm us but give me the analog version anyday along with quality content and i would gladly trade the sharp,colorful high resolution crap for it. where have shows like buniyaad, hum log , rajani and yeh jo hai zindagi gone ? where has the fun of crime solving in karamchand and vyomkesh bakshi vanished ? where has the warmth of Daane Anaar Ke gone missing ? where is the lightness of Mr.Yogi to be found these days? why cant we still beat the sophistication of Bharat Ek Khoj and Chanakya ?

until 10 - 15 years ago things were different on indian tv. there was class, calibre, good humour and great drama. these days we have crass, and impoverished writing. we have created slots for tv content to put in between commercials and not the other way around. we are feeding the populace's minds with the perpetual rage of the conniving mother-in-law and the constant cockiness of the daugther-in-law. we are filling their pyche with the ruthless greed of the overtly manipulative and viciously ambitious industrialist. the whole content of an average soap revolves around people plotting and getting even with each other as if it was a great hobby to pursue. isn't there enough stress in daily life already ? do you enjoy the arduous commute to work everyday, wading through the huge swamp of city traffic? the noise, pollution, potholes and the incredible stress on the infrastructure makes a routine day at work taxing enough for an individual. he doesnt need the nanad bhabhi (sisters-in-law) bickering to ruin his day even more. give him laughter, give him the warmth and affection of a doting father and caring mother and children brimming with life. give him mystery, intrigue him and educate him. a little bit of yoga and spirituality wont do him any harm. on the news front we stream visuals of once successful models doing drugs and having gone nuts and married teachers going on tv and declaring how much they love their girl friends who are their own students and young enough to be their daugthers. this is news worthy ? what value does it add to the news. who benefits from this kind of reporting. don't these sound like one of those soaps which i am lamenting about.

bring back the satire of wagle ki duniya, the richness of katha saagar and the joy of nukkad and see where the viewer ratings go. can quality ever go out of style ? i dont think so.

down with all the saas bahu shit. we deserve much better.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Introducing another blogger on the block

Hi Folks ! My name is Manish Jadhav. When everyone around is blogging out there i couldn't hold myself back and have decided to add to the electronic clutter that the blogosphere already is. This is a good oppurtunity for a wannabe writer. No one needs to certify how good a writer i am. it only costs me my time (sometimes my company's) plus a bit of bandwidth and i can start hacking away at the keyboard.Additionally Google can help me make money through ad sense if i blog is read by enough people. i wont mind some extra money for a few hours of mindless typing a month. i want to write and talk about anything that i find amusing. which means the blog is going to be as inconsistent and unstructured as it can be. i program computers for a living but if i had a choice i would have done something nicer like making a movie or writing paranormal short stories. lets see what happens as the weeks go by.

catch u in cyberspace soon.