Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Introducing another blogger on the block

Hi Folks ! My name is Manish Jadhav. When everyone around is blogging out there i couldn't hold myself back and have decided to add to the electronic clutter that the blogosphere already is. This is a good oppurtunity for a wannabe writer. No one needs to certify how good a writer i am. it only costs me my time (sometimes my company's) plus a bit of bandwidth and i can start hacking away at the keyboard.Additionally Google can help me make money through ad sense if i blog is read by enough people. i wont mind some extra money for a few hours of mindless typing a month. i want to write and talk about anything that i find amusing. which means the blog is going to be as inconsistent and unstructured as it can be. i program computers for a living but if i had a choice i would have done something nicer like making a movie or writing paranormal short stories. lets see what happens as the weeks go by.

catch u in cyberspace soon.

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