Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Energy abundance or annihilation. The choice is ours.

Who wouldn't want a free lunch or better free energy ? I would love to have it. Having burnt fossil fuels for my individual needs since my birth 30 odd years ago i can obliterate some of the guilt i have gathered over time if a free energy device were to be sold at the departmental store in the neighboorhood . To get an insight into my eco-fiendly criminal past read on. Flourescent lamps would be constantly on in my study room for studying magazines ofcourse, the lights in my bathroom which i forgot to switch off a million times, the TV and radio which i ran perpetually for my amusement. And then i grew up and had more gadgets to blow electricity on. My PC and that too with an inverter to store some spare power to last me through the incessant power outages in india. i would surf the internet endlessly sometimes just looking for information while my hard disk became hot enough to iron my crumpled all cotton shirts. This was followed by my mobile phone, my PDA and then my MP3 player. Thank goodness i am not a gamer or you could add another power guzzling gizmo to it, the gaming console.Mom and dad contributed to the criminal wastage with their own channel surfing. And i havent even mentioned the motorbike yet. More fossil fuel for rides which didnt get me anywhere meaningful.And the stationary i consumed without putting pen to paper.All in all i plundered what i thought was my share of oil, coal, natural gas and trees which became my notebooks.

That was perhaps casual banter which disguised my blissfully ignorant excesses against the planet, but is there really any technology available or known to mankind which would avoid a serious environmental calamity. Can we all evolve in a more sane and prudent way as a race ? maybe yes. The work of one Dr.Steven Greer shows a lot of promise not just in terms of inventing a utopian free energy device but in terms of studying more advanced non-destructive technologies for making a big clean leap into a world of abundance and greater super scientific and spiritual prowess. People like him have made claims of having had access to technology beyond our wildest dreams and contact with extraterrestrial races which are far more hi-tech and wiser than we could possibly be in our life times. But as it always happens with any major disruptive change which takes status quo head on there seems to be a tremendous resistance to such alternative path breaking stuff which is targetted with a disinformation propaganda or dogmatically opposed with muscle and might. After all we are not done yet with trading crude oil at a 100 plus dollars for a barrel or dictating foreign policy to less endowed countries.It might be too late if this retrogressive metamorphosis continues. You may be rich today but tomorrow your granddaugther may not be able to breath clean air without the aid of some fancy breathing device .Your decadent lifestyle today is at the expense of millions of lives in the near future.Think about dying very rich and young as compared to living a long healthy rich life. And who knows what advances in geriatrics may give you a few decades more of the same fossil fuel-free life. When i last checked Dr.Greer's claims of a device didnt go too far which i suspect is because of the arm twisting and coercion in the industry-government complex circles.

Come March 11th, 2011 and a ginormous earthquake/tsunami hits japan killing thousands from the impact of the earthquake and the massive wall of water that hit unsuspecting masses. It also triggers the worst nuclear crisis since chernobyl by knocking the fukushima nuclear power plant.
Do we really want power at this cost? Who is benefitting from this? Why not take solar, wind, geo-thermal, tidal power sources and technologies to the next level and harness them. Because it leads to democratization of power generation and distribution. Exactly what the powers that be dont want or else how would they keep you in the matrix and control you.

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